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05/16/2019 Broader Impacts Identity and Design Workshop

329 King Shaw Hall (ILR Conference Center)
12-1:30 with lunch provided at 11:30 AM

The NSF Merit Review process has two criteria for reviewing more than 50,000 proposals annually: Intellectual Merit, and Broader Impacts.  While researchers are generally confident about the intellectual merit criterion, the broader impacts criterion can pose a different set of challenges.

This workshop is open to all faculty interested in crafting a meaningful pathway for connecting their science with society within the context of the National Science Foundation’s vision for Broader Impacts. This workshop will utilize a constructivist approach to guide participants in identifying opportunities that are most relevant and strategic for each researcher. Through reflection, writing, group work and discussion, researchers will be guided in unraveling and developing their “impact identities.” A well-defined “impact identity” can serve as the foundation through which scientific research and societal impacts are integrated and developed over the course of your career.

Early career faculty hoping to establish ongoing NSF support, as well as established faculty seeking to strengthen the broader impacts components of future NSF proposals, are encouraged to participate. Broader Impacts resources, partnership opportunities and researcher case studies will be shared.  Workshop is limited to 16 people.


About the Presenter:
Tiffany Fleming, MA, Science Education, Cornell University

Tiffany Fleming is the Broader Impacts Design Manager with Cornell University’s Office of Sponsored Programs and the Sciencenter, where she is developing resources to facilitate sustainable broader impacts projects between researchers and the community. Her work is funded through NSF AISL project (award #1610039).


Contact Information

Office of Faculty Development and Diversity
122 Day Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
Ph: 607.255.6867
Fax: 607.255.4672