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New Faculty Orientation

OFDD holds a New Faculty Orientation (NFO) for recently hired tenure track, tenured, and research, teaching and extension faculty. The NFO is offered a week or two before the Fall semester begins.

Over two days, participants are given opportunities to learn about Cornell; meet the leadership; and explore research, teaching, mentoring and advising campus resources.

There are opportunities to get to know college deans and associate deans informally over lunch, as well as at a reception. Faculty can also join a campus tour. From 60-100 faculty members usually attend.

Sample Agenda:

Day 1
9:00 Continental Breakfast
9:30 Welcoming Remarks with President and Provost
10-11:15 Introduction to Cornell and to Our Community
11:15-11:30 Break
11:30-12:30 What I Wish I Knew Before Joining Cornell
12:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30-3 An Introduction to Teaching, Advising and Mentoring at Cornell: Meet the Center for Teaching Innovation
3-4 Campus Tour
Day 2
9 Continental Breakfast
9:30-12 Working on a Diverse Campus–Teaching, Mentoring and Engaging with Colleagues
12-1:15 Lunch
1:15-3 Research Discussion: Breakout Sessions by Discipline
3-4 Ice Cream Social
Day 3
4-6 Reception