Schwartz Fund Visionary Grant Application Guidelines
The Schwartz Research Fund Visionary Grant is not accepting applications in 2023-2024. Instead, Schwartz Research Fund Awards will be given this academic year. For more information, contact

Required Materials
Proposal deadline: December 19th, 2022
- Project title
- Project summary (abstract)
- Specific aims (1-page limit) – Concisely state the goals of the proposed research; summarize expected outcomes and impact of research on fields involved; list objectives of the proposed research
- Research strategy (6-page limit)
- Significance – Describe the importance of the problem or critical barrier to progress that the proposed project address. Review prior research and its strengths and weaknesses. Explain how the proposed project will improve scientific knowledge in the field.
- Innovation – Explain how you seek to shift current research paradigms. Describe novel theoretical concepts, approaches or methodologies, instrumentation, or interventions to be developed or used.
- Approach – Describe the overall strategy, methodology, and analyses to be used to accomplish the research. Emphasize the new direction of the proposed research that is not currently supported by other funds. How is this project different from your currently funded projects?
- Timeline of proposed activities for which funding is sought
- Statement Supporting Diverse Communities
- Budget summary (see template)
- Budget justification
- For those with significant remaining startup funds, please include an explanation of why the new funds are required.
Additional Materials:
- Current and pending support, anticipated sources of follow-up funding
- Remaining funds from startup package
- Current and pending federal and other support–submit abstracts and aims (the abstract and aims are not part of the 5-page CV limit)
- Applicant’s CV
- Limited to five pages in length
- Includes a list of all publications in the last five years and up to five other significant publications
- Mentor or chair’s letter of support (maximum two pages)